Design note 4 - what do we mean?
In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:
In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:
To complement our dynamic new Northern Lights icon, we needed a strong colour pallette and confident, contemporary font.
The contrasting yet complimentary colours in our logo symbolises our value of diversity and unity. We often talk about 'the same but different' at Beckfoot Trust to acknowledge that whilst we have a very clear One Trust identity and clarity on what remarkable means, we also know that one size does not always fit all.
Perhaps the most important part of our new Beckfoot Trust logo is the icon, shown to the right here.
We call it our Northern Lights.
In nature, the Northern Lights are seen as something unique and truly Remarkable that are associated with the North.
Our Northern Lights icon represents The Beckfoot Trust which is also on a constant journey to Remarkable and is strongly associated with the North of England.
As part of our ongoing Journey to Remarkable we felt it was important to give The Beckfoot Trust a strong, confident and contemporary logo and brand that was worthy of an organisation with such high standards and aspirations.
The new Trust logo was a departure from the previous logo style and was definitely designed with the future in mind.
1.1 This policy sets out the framework for making decisions on employees’ pay. It has been developed to comply with current legislation, the requirements of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD), the National Joint Council for Local Government Services National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service (“Green Book”) and in accordance with the principles of public life – objectivity, openness and accountability.
1.2 Pay decisions at Beckfoot Trust are made by Trust Board.
1.3 The policy has been implemented following consultation with recognised Trade Unions. It has been formally adopted by the Trust Board.
2.1 This policy has been developed to comply with current legislation including:
2.2 As part of the application of this policy, Beckfoot Trust will collect, process and store personal data in accordance with our data protection policy. We will also comply with the requirements of Data Protection Legislation (being the UK General Data Protection Regulation, Data Protection Act 2018 and The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003) and all other applicable laws and regulations relating to processing of personal data and privacy, as amended and replaced from time to time. This includes, where applicable, any guidance and codes of practice issued by the UK Information Commissioner. Our Workforce Privacy Notice sets out how we will gather, process and hold personal data of individuals in relation to pay.
3.1 In adopting this pay policy, the aim is to:
4.1.1 Beckfoot Trust will determine the pay range for a vacancy prior to advertising it. On appointment, it will determine the starting salary within that range to be offered to the successful candidate.
4.1.2 In making such determinations, the Trust may consider a range of factors, including:
4.1.3 Although there is no assumption that a teacher will be paid at the same rate as they were being paid in a previous school, the school will determine the appropriate rate of pay for a teacher joining the school taking account of salary expectations, current salary and the factors set out above.
4.2.1 The Trust Board will ensure that each teacher’s salary is reviewed annually by no later than 31 October each year or by no later than 31 December each year for Headteachers. Pay increases will be backdated to 1 September of the same academic year.
4.2.2 Salary will also be reviewed if a teacher takes up a new post with effect from the date the post commenced or in other circumstances as required, with effect from the relevant date.
4.2.3 All teachers will be notified in writing within one month of a decision on pay setting out their salary, any payments or other financial benefits awarded, any safeguarding, where a copy of the staffing structure and pay policy may be inspected and any other information required by STPCD.
4.3.1 In Beckfoot Trust, all teachers will receive regular feedback and are subject to an annual appraisal that recognises their strengths, informs plans for their future development, and helps to enhance their professional practice and growth. The arrangements for teacher appraisal are set out in our Appraisal Policy.
4.3.2 All teachers (main, upper, unqualified, leading practitioners and leadership) will be eligible to be considered for pay progression within their range if they have at least twenty-six weeks (a year of employment in accordance with STPCD) continuous employment in the previous school year. As a guide this means that if a teacher starts employment later than the last day of February in the previous school year, they will not be eligible to be considered for an increase in their salary until the following September. However, a review of their salary will still take place in line with paragraph 3 above, except that the outcome will be that they are not eligible for progression due to their length of service.
4.3.3 Beckfoot Trust will consider its approach in the light of the Trust’s budget and ensure that appropriate funding is allocated for pay progression at all levels.
4.3.4 An annual written statement is sent from the HR Team following the meeting of the Trust Board’s Remuneration Committee.
4.3.5 Following the autumn Cycle 1 appraisal, teachers can expect to receive pay progression within the maximum of their pay range unless they are subject to capability procedures.
4.4.1 The main pay range within this Trust is £31,650 – £43,607, and has 6 pay points in line with the advisory points set out at Annex 3 of STPCD as follows:
Point | Annual FTE Salary |
1 (main pay range minimum) | £31,650 |
2 | £33,483 |
3 | £35,674 |
4 | £38,034 |
5 | £40,439 |
6 | £43,607 |
4.5 Pay progression for teachers to the upper pay range.
4.5.1 Following M6, a teacher will be automatically considered for pay progression to UPR 1 with no application. After UPS1, teachers will be automatically considered annually with no application. In each school the Headteacher publishes the greater expectation of role at each stage of the upper pay scale. Although this is determined by the Headteacher and in relation to the school context, expectations are agreed in principle by the Deputy CEO and with agreement from the Remuneration and Governance Committee so that there is equity across our Trust. A teacher may choose not to be considered for advancement at any stage of the UPR or may defer to a later date.
4.5.2 The upper pay range within this Trust is from £45,646 – £49,084 per annum, and has 3 pay points in line with the advisory points set out at Annex 3 of STPCD as follows:
Point | Annual FTE Salary |
1 (upper pay range minimum) | £45,646 |
2 | £47,338 |
3 (upper pay range maximum) | £49,084 |
4.6.1 The unqualified teacher pay range within this Trust is £21,731 – £33,902 per annum, and has 6 pay points in line with the advisory points set out at Annex 4 of STPCD as follows:
Point | Annual FTE Salary |
1 (unqualified teacher pay range minimum) | £21,731 |
2 | £24,224 |
3 | £26,716 |
4 | £28,914 |
5 | £31,410 |
6 (unqualified teacher pay range maximum) | £33,902 |
Pay progression for unqualified teachers
4.6.2 Eligible unqualified teachers will be automatically considered for further progression and no application will be necessary.
4.6.3 Unqualified teachers will progress by one point until they reach the top of their range.
4.7.1 Leading practitioner posts have the primary purpose of modelling and leading improvement of teaching skills. Within our Trust, they will take a leadership role in developing, implementing, and evaluating policies and practice in their workplace that contributes to school improvement. To be appointed to a leading practitioner role, the teacher must:
4.7.2 The pay range for these posts will be determined individually for each leading practitioner post, which may differ to reflect the different demands and challenges of that post. Each individual pay range will be determined within the overall minimum and maximum of the pay range set by STPCD.
Pay progression for leading practitioners
4.7.3 Eligible leading practitioners will be automatically considered for further progression and no application will be necessary.
4.7.4 Leading practitioners will progress by one point until they reach the top of their range.
4.8.1 Pay ranges for Headteachers and Heads of School will be determined in line with STPCD by the Remuneration Committee for new appointments, where responsibilities significantly change or if the Trust chooses to review pay of leadership posts in line with STPCD. Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher pay ranges are determined by local school Headteacher with Executive Headteacher within the agreed pay range. The pay range reflects the size of school and considers all permanent responsibilities of the role, any challenges that are specific to the role and all other relevant factors including the skills and competencies required.
4.8.2 The school will be assigned to a headteacher group calculated using its total unit score, in accordance with STPCD.
4.8.3 A pay range will be determined for the Headteacher which will not normally exceed the maximum of the headteacher group, unless the specific exceptional circumstances or candidate warrant it, up to an additional 25%. Headteachers pay progression is considered in relation to their performance.-
4.8.4 Additional payments may be made to a Headteacher for temporary responsibilities that are in addition to the duties considered for the determination at 4.8.1-4.8.3. The total sum of any temporary payments will not normally exceed 25% of the Headteacher’s annual salary.
4.8.5 In addition, the total sum of annual salary combined with any temporary payments (where applicable) will not exceed the maximum of the headteacher group, calculated at 4.8.2, by more than 25%. Where this, or exceeding the limits set out at 4.8.3 and 4.8.4 are being considered by the Remuneration Committee of the Trust Board, there must be wholly exceptional circumstances, and that committee must make a business case to the full Trust Board.
See Appendix 1 for Group sizes.
Deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers
4.8.6 A pay range will be determined for any Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher, considering how the role fits within the wider leadership structure of the school. The pay range will not exceed the maximum of the headteacher group for the school and will not normally overlap with the pay range of the Headteacher, except in exceptional circumstances.
Pay progression for members of the leadership group
4.8.7 Eligible members of the leadership group will be automatically considered for further progression and no application will be necessary.
4.8.8 Leadership group members will progress annually by one point until they reach the top of their range.
4.9.1 In this organisation we pay TLR1 or TLR2 to a classroom teacher for undertaking a sustained additional responsibility in the context of our staffing structure for the purpose of ensuring the continued delivery of high-quality teaching and learning and for which the teacher is made accountable. The award is made whilst the teacher remains in the same post or occupies another post in the absence of a post-holder.
4.9.2 Current values are as follows:
TLR Point | Annual FTE |
1a | £9,782 |
1b | £12,032 |
1c | £14,291 |
1d | £15,793 |
1e | £16,553 |
TLR Point | Annual FTE |
2a | £3,391 |
2b | £5,640 |
2c | £8,279 |
4.9.3 In addition, we may award a fixed-term TLR3 to a classroom teacher for time-limited, clearly defined school improvement projects, or one-off externally driven responsibilities, or where teachers are undertaking tutoring work outside of normal directed hours but during the school day, to provide catch-up support on learning lost to the Covid-19 pandemic. The annual value of a TLR3 will be no less than £675 and no greater than £3,344. Consecutive TLR3s for staff undertaking the same responsibility will not be awarded, except where the responsibility relates to tutoring as set out above.
4.10.1 A SEN allowance will be paid to classroom teachers who meet the criteria set out in STPCD. Where a SEN allowance is to be paid, the spot value of between £2,679 and £5,285 will be determined based on the structure of the SEN provision, whether mandatory qualifications are required for the post, the qualifications or expertise of the teacher and the relative demands of the post.
4.11.1 Payments or other financial assistance, support or benefits may be made to teachers (except to those in leadership posts, other than in the circumstances set out in STPCD), where we consider it necessary as an incentive for the recruitment of a new teacher or the retention of an existing teacher. Such an incentive or benefit may be made as a one-off award or an ongoing, time limited allowance and the appropriate value of the award will be determined by the Trust, be no more than £5,000 and must be approved by the CEO as specified in the Scheme of Delegation. Where an ongoing, time limited award is to be made, this will be regularly reviewed, and it will be made clear in writing at the outset of the award the expected duration and the review date after which the award may be withdrawn.
4.12.1 In the case of ECTs, determinations of performance and any pay recommendations will be made by means of the statutory induction process.
4.12.2 Eligible ECTs will be automatically considered for progression and no application will be necessary.
4.13.1 Teachers who work less than a standard working week are deemed to be part-time. Their hours and working time obligations will be set out in their contracts of employment and in line with the provisions of STPCD. Part-time teachers will receive a written statement which sets out expectations regarding the deployment of working time, including timetabled teaching time, leadership and management time (where applicable) and directed time beyond the school day. The pay of part-time teachers will be determined in the same way and at the appropriate percentage of a full-time teacher and any increase in pay will be paid pro-rata to full time equivalent salary rates.
4.14.1 Teachers employed on a day-to-day or other short notice basis will be paid on a daily basis calculated on the assumption that a full working year consists of 195 days; periods of employment for less than a day being calculated pro-rata. They will be paid the agreed rate for the job and are not subject to the appraisal process.
4.15.1 Pay protection arising from changes to pay and structure will be in line with the provisions of STPCD.
4.16.1 Employees who are absent long term (including but not limited to maternity leave and long-term sick leave due to a disability) are still eligible to be considered for pay progression.
4.17.1 Newly appointed employees may be entitled to claim financial assistance if they are relocating to take up a post with Beckfoot Trust. Posts that attract a relocation opportunity will be identified at advertisement stage. Schools must obtain prior approval from the CEO before offering financial assistance. Successful applicants must raise a request of relocation allowance immediately after the offer of employment. Prior to applying for a relocation allowance, employees are encouraged to read the HMRC guidance at:
4.17.2 There is a limit of reimbursement of a maximum of £8,000 of costs incurred related to the relocation against receipts submitted to the school. In circumstances where a relocation allowance has been paid and the member of staff does not subsequently relocate within 12 months of their appointment date, the Trust reserves the right to reclaim payments. Any outstanding relocation allowance not claimed within two years cannot be claimed.
4.17.3 Employees granted a relocation allowance may claim for items which qualify for exemption of tax and Class 1A National Insurance Contributions (NIC) including, but not limited to:
4.17.4 Reimbursement will not be made for expenses which do not qualify for tax and NIC liability exemption along with HMRC guidelines including:
4.17.5 Leaving employment If the employee leaves the post within 1 year of receiving a relocation allowance, they will be required to repay 100% of the allowance. If the employee leaves the post within 3 years of receiving a relocation allowance, they will be required to repay 50% of the allowance. If the employee is on a fixed term contract of less than 1 year and leaves before the end of that contract, they will be required to repay 100% of the allowance.
4.18.1 Where a teacher is required to act as Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher for a period of more than four working weeks, they will be paid at no less than the minimum point of the relevant range/ISR. In the case of those members of staff acting up into a post with a TLR for a period exceeding four working weeks they will receive the full amount of the TLR. Payments will be due from the day on which the teacher assumed those duties.
4.19.1 The steps of the pay appeals process perform the function of the grievance procedure on pay matters and so employees will not be able to raise the complaint under the Trust grievance procedure following conclusion of a pay appeal.
4.19.2 Employees may be represented by a recognised trade union or colleague at any formal stage of this procedure. The employee is responsible for making these arrangements and for providing their representative with any paperwork they require for the hearing.
Informal discussion
4.19.3 As part of the salary review process, the Headteacher will inform the teacher of the pay decision. Upon receipt of written notification of the pay decision, if the teacher is dissatisfied, they should first discuss the decision with the Headteacher within 5 working days of receipt of the notification.
4.19.4 This discussion gives an opportunity for a teacher to discuss the decision on their pay, to gain an understanding of why the pay recommendation and decision were made and to resolve issues quickly and informally. If this does not resolve an issue, a teacher may follow the formal procedure set out below.
Stage One
4.19.5 If, following discussion with the Headteacher, the teacher remains dissatisfied, they can make a formal appeal in writing within 5 working days of the discussion with the Headteacher to the Executive Headteacher. The possible grounds for appeal are:
4.19.6 Appeals against pay decisions should be made in writing and addressed to the Executive Headteacher stating the grounds of their appeal in accordance with 4.19.5 above.
4.19.7 The Executive Headteacher will convene a meeting to consider the appeal as soon as is practically possible. The employee will be invited in writing, giving a minimum of 5 working days’ notice and copies of any relevant documents to be considered at the meeting will be enclosed.
4.19.8 The teacher will have the opportunity to make representations to the Executive Headteacher and a school representative will also attend to present the management case. A note taker will also be present.
4.19.9 The Executive Headteacher will review the pay decision and will confirm the outcome in writing to the teacher within 5 working days.
Stage Two
4.19.10 If a teacher wishes to appeal against the decision made at Stage One, they may do within 5 working days of the written decision on the grounds that the Executive Headteacher who made the decision:
4.19.11Appeals against the decision at Stage One should be made in writing and addressed to the Head of HR stating the grounds of their appeal in accordance with 4.19.10 above.
4.19.12Upon receipt the Head of HR will convene a meeting to consider the appeal as soon as is practicably possible. The employee will be invited in writing, giving a minimum of 5 working days’ notice and copies of any relevant documents to be considered at the hearing will be enclosed.
4.19.13The teacher will have the opportunity to make representations to a panel containing at least one Senior Executive Leader and the Executive Headteacher will also attend. A note taker will also be present.
4.19.14The decision of the panel will be confirmed in writing to the teacher within 5 working days. The panel’s decision is final; there is no further right of appeal.
5.1.1 The Trust Board will ensure that each member of support staff’s salary is reviewed annually with effect from April if eligible.
5.2.1 The salary scales used will be in accordance with the Green Book and LA pay scales.
5.3.1 Support staff who work [39 weeks] per year are deemed to be term-time only. Some support staff who work a reduced number of weeks during the year than an all-year-round employee but work extra weeks during school holidays depending on the requirements of the role, are deemed to be term-time plus.
5.3.2 An employee who works term-time only or term-time plus is entitled to a pro-rated proportion of weeks per year annual leave entitlement, which are added to the number of weeks the employee is required to work and paid in twelve equal monthly instalments.
5.3.3 The Trust calculates pay for employees who work term time only or term time plus in accordance with the advisory model calculation set out in the Green Book and the working weeks and number of weeks holiday individuals are entitled to will be set out in their contracts of employment.
5.4.1 The Headteacher/Deputy CEO in conjunction with the line manager of the role will ensure that an up-to-date job description is available for each post which identifies the appropriate duties.
5.4.2 The job description will be reviewed as appropriate or when duties or responsibilities have changed, and it will be amended to reflect the current role; although it should be recognised that job descriptions are not intended to list all tasks. An employee may request changes to their job description if they feel their duties or responsibilities have changed significantly. If appropriate, the job description will be re-evaluated using the job evaluation scheme and if it is changed, the post holder will be paid the new grade from a date determined by the Headteacher/Deputy CEO. If the assessment results in a lower grade, the employee may be entitled to salary protection in accordance with their terms and conditions of employment.
5.5.1 The job evaluation committee will determine the grade for a vacancy prior to advertising it which will be identified on the advert and job description. On appointment the Headteacher/Executive Leader will determine the appropriate point within the grade to be offered to the successful candidate (which will usually be the bottom point of the grade). However, in making such determinations, this may take in to account a range of factors, including:
5.6.1 If the employee has more than 6 months’ service in their role at 1 April, they are eligible for an increment subject to satisfactory service. This will be paid annually with effect from 1 April until the employee reaches the top of their scale.
5.6.2 If the employee has less than 6 months’ service in their role at 1 April, the first increment will not be paid until 6 months after their appointment subject to satisfactory service. Subsequent increments will be payable on 1 April in line with paragraph 5.1 of this policy.
5.7.1 Where an employee is offered and agrees to:
An additional payment may be paid on a temporary basis. This must be approved by the CEO as specified in the Scheme of Delegation.
5.7.2 The Headteacher/Executive Leader will determine the amount of this payment. Where the employee is undertaking higher level work not equivalent to a higher graded post, a fixed sum will be agreed which accurately reflects the additional duties they are performing. Where the employee is acting up and if carrying out the full responsibilities of the role, the payment will usually be the difference between the minimum point of the higher graded role and their current salary.
5.7.3 The employee will return to their substantive post and salary when they are no longer required to undertake the higher-level work or ‘act up’.
5.7.4 This should usually only be a temporary solution and the Headteacher should consider whether it may be more appropriate to advertise the post or duties on a fixed term basis.
5.8.1 A member of support staff has the right to appeal against a decision that affects their pay. The principles of the appeals process for teachers apply (set out in Section B, paragraph 16) however the Green Book replaces STPCD at 16.6.1 and 16.10.1.
6.1.1 This section sets out the pay arrangements for Executive and senior central team postholders within the Trust.
In this Trust, the extended Executive Team consists of: Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Senior Director of Professional Growth, Director of Research and Transformation, Executive Headteachers and Chief Finance Officer.
6.1.2 The pay range for the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Finance Officer is set on a scale equivalent to the Leadership scale and pay scales will increase in September in line with STPCD leadership increases.
6.1.3 When setting pay and terms and conditions for the executive and senior central team, the following documents may be taken into consideration and used for reference purposes:
6.1.4 In determining starting salaries, the Trust consider following and include such information in the justification:
6.1.5 For all members of the extended executive team, pay progression is considered in relation to Trust performance (educational and financial). The pay range for the extended executive is approved by the Board’s Renumeration Committee, in line with the financial delegation arrangements and includes a justification for the level of renumeration.
6.1.6 Eligible executive and senior central team will progress through their pay range annually.
The Executive Team and the Board will monitor the outcomes and impact of this policy on an annual basis, including trends in progression across specific groups of staff to assess its effect and our Trust’s continued compliance with equalities legislation.
This policy is reviewed and amended annually by the Executive Team and in consultation with the recognised Trade Unions. The policy is reviewed by the renumeration committee and ratified by the Trust Board. We will monitor the application and outcomes of this policy to ensure it is working effectively.
Headteacher Group | England (excluding the London Area) £ |
Group 1 | 56,316-74,926 |
Group 2 | 59,167-80,634 |
Group 3 | 63,815-86,783 |
Group 4 | 68,586-93,400 |
Group 5 | 75,675-103,010 |
Group 6 | 81,441-113,624 |
Group 7 | 87,651-125,263 |
Group 8 | 96,673-138,265 |
Pay Range for Leading Practitioners – From September 2024
1 (Minimum) £50,025
2 £51,280
3 £52,560
4 £53,867
5 £55,209
6 £56,593
7 £58,118
8 £59,457
9 £60,943
10 £62,509
11 £64,129
12 £65,608
13 £67,247
14 £68,925
15 £70,639
16 £72,518
17 £74,182
18 (Maximum) £76,050
Pay Ranges for Leadership Group Pay – From September 2024
Minimum L1 £49,781
L2 £51,027
L3 £52,301
L4 £53,602
L5 £54,939
L6 £56,316
L7 £57,831
L8 £59,167
L9 £60,644
L10 £62,202
L11 £63,815
L12 £65,286
L13 £66,919
L14 £68,586
L15 £70,293
L16 £72,162
L17 £73,819
L18 £75,675
L19 £77,552
L20 £79,475
L21 £81,441
L22 £83,464
L23 £85,529
L24 £87,651
L25 £89,830
L26 £92,052
L27 £94,332
L28 £96,673
L29 £99,067
L30 £101,533
L31 £104,040
L32 £106,626
L33 £109,275
L34 £111,976
L35 £114,759
L36 £117,601
L37 £120,524
L38 £123,506
L39 £126,517
L40 £129,673
L41 £132,913
L42 £136,243
Maximum L43 £138,265
Local Government Pay Scales 2024
Band | SCP | Annual | |
3 | 2 | £23,656 | |
4 | 3 | £24,027 | |
5 | 4 | £24,404 | |
5 | £24,790 | ||
6 | 6 | £25,183 | |
7 | £25,584 | ||
8 | £25,992 | ||
9 | £26,409 | ||
10 | £26,835 | ||
7 | 11 | £27,269 | |
12 | £27,711 | ||
13 | £28,163 | ||
14 | £28,624 | ||
15 | £29,093 | ||
16 | £29,572 | ||
8 | 17 | £30,060 | |
18 | £30,559 | ||
19 | £31,067 | ||
20 | £31,586 | ||
21 | £32,115 | ||
22 | £32,654 | ||
Senior Officer Band | SCP | Annual | |
SO1 | 23 | £33,366 | |
24 | £34,314 | ||
25 | £35,235 | ||
SO2 | 26 | £36,124 | |
27 | £37,035 | ||
28 | £37,938 | ||
Principal Officer Band | SCP | Annual | |
PO1 | 27 | £37,035 | |
28 | £37,938 | ||
29 | £38,626 | ||
30 | £39,513 | ||
PO2 | 29 | £38,626 | |
30 | £39,513 | ||
31 | £40,476 | ||
32 | £41,511 | ||
PO3 | 32 | £41,511 | |
33 | £42,708 | ||
34 | £43,693 | ||
35 | £44,711 | ||
PO4 | 35 | £44,711 | |
36 | £45,718 | ||
37 | £46,731 | ||
38 | £47,754 | ||
PO5 | 38 | £47,754 | |
39 | £48,710 | ||
40 | £49,764 | ||
41 | £50,788 | ||
PO6 | 40 | £49,764 | |
41 | £50,788 | ||
42 | £51,802 | ||
43 | £52,805 |
Special Salary Band | SCP | Annual |
Special A | 1 | £51,757 |
2 | £52,783 | |
3 | £53,824 | |
4 | £54,739 | |
5 | £55,669 | |
Special B | 1 | £54,875 |
2 | £55,785 | |
3 | £56,722 | |
4 | £57,653 | |
5 | £58,572 | |
Special C | 1 | £57,885 |
2 | £58,813 | |
3 | £59,754 | |
4 | £60,601 | |
5 | £61,594 | |
Special D | 1 | £62,759 |
2 | £65,288 | |
3 | £67,942 | |
4 | £70,351 | |
5 | £72,880 | |
Special E | 1 | £74,146 |
2 | £76,677 | |
3 | £79,208 | |
4 | £81,737 | |
5 | £84,269 |