Design note 4 - what do we mean?
In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:
In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:
To complement our dynamic new Northern Lights icon, we needed a strong colour pallette and confident, contemporary font.
The contrasting yet complimentary colours in our logo symbolises our value of diversity and unity. We often talk about 'the same but different' at Beckfoot Trust to acknowledge that whilst we have a very clear One Trust identity and clarity on what remarkable means, we also know that one size does not always fit all.
Perhaps the most important part of our new Beckfoot Trust logo is the icon, shown to the right here.
We call it our Northern Lights.
In nature, the Northern Lights are seen as something unique and truly Remarkable that are associated with the North.
Our Northern Lights icon represents The Beckfoot Trust which is also on a constant journey to Remarkable and is strongly associated with the North of England.
As part of our ongoing Journey to Remarkable we felt it was important to give The Beckfoot Trust a strong, confident and contemporary logo and brand that was worthy of an organisation with such high standards and aspirations.
The new Trust logo was a departure from the previous logo style and was definitely designed with the future in mind.
Beckfoot Trust and The Board of Trustees aims to support the Local Authority (LA) and ensure that all students who are unable to attend their school due to medical or health needs, continue to have access to as full an education as their medical condition allows, to enable them to reach their full potential.
2.1.This policy has been created with reference to:
2.2.This policy also has due regard to the following guidance:
2.3.This policy also has due regard to the following Trust policies:
3.1.1 Beckfoot Trust is committed to ensuring parents and pupils are supported with a range of medical conditions including long-term complex medical conditions which may require on-going support. Complex medical conditions can be life threatening, and they can have a significant impact on a pupil’s ability to learn.
It is important that schools minimise the educational impact and the social and emotional implications associated with medical conditions. Pupils may be self-conscious about their condition/s, and we need to be vigilant to ensure that they are not bullied or that they develop emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression around their medical condition.
Long-term absences because of medical conditions can affect educational attainment, impact integration with peers, and affect wellbeing and emotional health. This policy contains procedures to minimise the impact of long-term absence and effectively manage short-term absence. See Supporting children with medical needs (including asthma) policy for further information.
3.1.2 Due to the nature of their medical needs, some students may be admitted to hospital or placed in alternative forms of education provision. We recognise that, whenever possible, students should receive their education within their school and the aim of the provision will be to reintegrate students back into school as soon as they are well enough. Where this is not possible, we will work to provide an appropriate level of education remotely while alternative provision is established.
To ensure that the needs of our pupils who cannot attend due to medical needs are fully understood and effectively supported, we work closely with our Clinical Lead Practitioner, commissioned through the NHS, and consult with health and social care professionals, pupils and their parents/carers.
We understand that we have a continuing role in a student’s education whilst they are not attending school and will work with the LA, healthcare partners and families to ensure that all students living with medical needs receive the right level of support to enable them to maintain links with their education.
3.2.1 Students who are unable to attend their school as a result of their medical needs may include those with:
3.2.2 Students who are unable to attend mainstream education for medical reasons may attend any of the following:
3.2.3 For further information about the Bradford Medical Needs and Hospital Education service and S19 Provision.
Medical Needs and Hospital Education Service & S19 Provision | Bradford Schools Online
4.1.1 The Trust Board is Responsible for:
4.2.1 Headteachers are responsible for:
4.3.1 Each Beckfoot Trust school will have a named member of staff (Health Care Team Lead), and they are responsible for:
4.4.1 Teachers and support staff are responsible for:
4.5.1 Parents are expected to:
4.6.1 The Local Authority is responsible for arranging suitable full-time education for children who because of illness or other reasons would not receive suitable education without such provision. There will, however, be a wide range of circumstances where a child has a health need but will receive suitable education that meets their needs without the intervention of the Local Authority, for example, where the child can still attend school with some support. Where the school has made arrangements to deliver suitable education outside of school for the child; or where arrangements have been made for the child to be educated in a hospital by an on-site hospital school, we would not expect the Local Authority to become involved in such arrangements unless it had reason to think that the education being provided to the child was not suitable or, while otherwise suitable, was not full-time or for the number of hours the child could benefit from without adversely affecting their health. This might be the case where, for example, the child can attend school but only intermittently.
For further information, see Bradford’s Medical Needs policy.
4.7.1 Parents are advised to contact the school on the first day their child is unable to attend due to illness and in line with the Trust Attendance Policy available on the School and Trust website.
4.7.2 The school will provide support to students who are absent because of illness for a period of less than 15 school days by liaising with the student’s parents to arrange schoolwork remotely as soon as the student is able to cope with it or part-time education at the school. The school will give due consideration to which aspects of the curriculum are prioritised in consultation with the student, their family and relevant members of staff.
4.7.3 For periods of absence that are expected to last for 15 or more school days, either in one absence or over the course of a school year, the named person with responsibility for students living with health needs will notify the LA, who will take responsibility for the student and their education. The school will continue to support the student in liaison with the LA as part of their overall plan.
4.7.4 Where absences are anticipated or known in advance, the school will liaise with the LA to enable education provision to be provided from the start of the student’s absence.
4.7.5 Effective collaboration between all relevant services (LAs, CAMHS, NHS, the student’s school and, where relevant, school nurses) is essential to delivering effective education for students living with additional health needs. This applies whether the student is in hospital or at home.
4.7.6 When a student is in hospital, liaison between hospital teaching staff, the LA’s alternative provision/home tuition service and the student’s school can ensure continuity of provision and consistency of curriculum. It can ensure that the school can make information available about the curriculum and work the student may miss, helping the student to keep up, rather than having to catch up. The school will monitor student attendance and mark registers to ensure it is clear whether a student is, or should be, receiving education otherwise than at their school.
4.7.7 The school will only remove a student who is unable to attend because of additional health needs from the school roll where:
4.7.8 A student unable to attend the school because of their health needs will not be removed from the school register without parental consent and certification from the Medical Officer, even if the LA has become responsible for the student’s education.
4.8.1 Where a student is living with a complex or long-term health issue, the school will discuss the student’s needs and how these may be best met with the LA, relevant medical professionals, parents and, where appropriate, the student.
4.8.2 The LA expects all schools and academies to support students living with health needs to attend full-time education wherever possible, or for the school to make reasonable adjustments to students’ programmes of study where medical evidence supports the need for those adjustments.
4.8.3 The school will make reasonable adjustments under students’ Health Action Plans, in accordance with the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy.
4.8.4 Students admitted to hospital will receive education as determined appropriate by the medical professionals and hospital tuition team at the hospital concerned.
4.8.5 During a period of absence, the school will work with the provider of the student’s education to establish and maintain regular communication and effective outcomes.
4.8.6 Whilst a student is away from their school, the school will work with the LA to ensure the student can successfully remain in touch with the school using the following methods:
4.8.7 Where appropriate, the school will provide the student’s education provider with relevant information, curriculum materials and resources.
4.8.8 To help ensure a student living with additional health needs is able to attend their school following an extended period of absence, the following adaptations will be considered:
4.9.1 When a student is considered well enough to return to school, the school will develop a tailored reintegration plan in collaboration with the LA.
The school will work with the LA when reintegration is anticipated, to plan for consistent provision during and after the period of education outside the school. As far as possible, the student will be able to access the curriculum and materials that they would have used in the school.
4.9.2 If appropriate, the school nurse will be involved in the development of the student’s reintegration plan and informed of the timeline of the plan by the appointed named member of staff, to ensure they can prepare to offer any appropriate support to the student.
4.9.3 The school will consider whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made to provide suitable access to the school and the curriculum for the student.
4.9.4 For longer absences, the reintegration plan will be developed near to the student’s likely date of return, to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on an ill student or their parents in the early stages of their absence.
4.9.5 The school is aware that some students will need gradual reintegration over a long period of time and will always consult with the student, their parents and key staff about concerns, medical issues, timing and the preferred pace of return.
4.9.6 The reintegration plan will include:
4.9.7 The school will ensure a welcoming environment is developed and encourage students and staff to be positive and proactive during the reintegration period.
Following reintegration, the school will support the LA in seeking feedback from the student regarding the effectiveness of the process.
4.10.1 It is essential that all information about students living with health needs is kept up-to-date.
4.10.2 In order to protect confidentiality, all information-sharing techniques, e.g. staff noticeboards/medical files, will be agreed with the student and their parent in advance of being used.
4.10.3 All teachers, TAs, supply and support staff will be provided with access to relevant information, including high-risk health needs, first aiders and emergency procedures, via the agreed school procedures.
4.10.4 Parents will be made aware of their own rights and responsibilities regarding confidentiality and information sharing. To help achieve this, the school will:
4.10.5 When a student is discharged from hospital or is returning from other education provision, the school will ensure the appropriate information is received to allow for a smooth return to the school. The named member of staff will liaise with the hospital or other tuition service as appropriate.
4.11.1 In accordance with the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy records will be kept of all medicines administered to students
Proper record keeping protects both staff and students and provides evidence that agreed procedures have been followed.
All records will be maintained in line with the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy.
4.12.1 Staff will be trained in a timely manner to assist with a student’s return to school.
Once a student’s return date has been confirmed, staff will be provided with relevant training before the student’s anticipated return.
Healthcare professionals should be involved in identifying and agreeing with the school the type and level of training required.
Training will be sufficient to ensure staff are confident in their ability to support students living with additional health needs.
Parents of students living with additional health needs may provide specific advice but will not be the sole trainer of staff.
4.13.1 The named member of staff will liaise with the alternative provision provider over planning and examination course requirements where appropriate.
Relevant assessment information will be provided to the alternative provision provider if required.
Awarding bodies may make special arrangements for students with permanent or long-term disabilities and learning difficulties, or temporary disabilities and illnesses. Applications for such arrangements will be submitted by the school, or LA if more appropriate, as early as possible.
5.1This policy is reviewed annually. We will monitor the application and outcomes of this policy to ensure it is working effectively.